Key Components of a Business Continuity PlanHow quickly your organization can bounce back after a disaster heavily depends on how well you plan for that situation before it happens. Data is one of the most important, if not the most important, components of any organization. Maintaining the safety and security of that data involves keeping an up to date business continuity plan in order to react confidently and quickly in the event of a disaster. In this blog, we’re going to go over the key components of a business continuity plan so you can better prepare your organization.

Risk Assessment

Because all organizations are different, potential risks they may face can differ as well. A business continuity plan should include a business impact analysis, which identifies potential risks and vulnerabilities both within and outside the organization. These risks include anything from flooding or a major IT malfunction. When you know what risks you could potentially face, you can begin to take the right steps to prevent them.

Roles and Responsibilities

In order for a disaster to be faced confidently, the key people in your organization need to know their roles and responsibilities. A business continuity plan should outline which key personnel should be involved in the response of the type of risk you’re dealing with. Once these people have been identified, their actions need to be clearly defined in order to react quickly and efficiently. Any necessary resources should be clearly stated as well, so they can be prioritized. For example, if an office needs to set up remote work spaces following a disaster, key personnel will need to be prioritized when it comes to allocating resources such as laptops, etc.


Clear communication is a vital part of a disaster or disruption. Effective communication across your organization can reassure team members that the necessary steps are being taken in response to the situation. A business continuity plan should involve a list of key contacts, templated press releases or social media posts in order to speed up the communication during a crisis to ensure both staff and external contacts are aware of the situation.

Testing and Training

Business continuity plans need to be strong enough when put into action, which is why testing and training is a key component. Realistic scenarios can be used to test your organization’s plan, as well as how the team responds. Additionally, the key personnel should train for their roles so they understand the level of preparation necessary for a quick and efficient response when disaster strikes.

A thorough business continuity plan can make all the difference in how your organization bounces back from a disaster, and remain profitable and productive in the face of such a challenge. Here at Cloudsmart, we understand the value and importance of our customer’s data. We have solutions to ensure your Mean Time to Recovery is reduced in the event of catastrophic failures, and can help you prepare your business continuity plan so that your organization is equipped for when disaster strikes.
